Thursday 21 April 2011

Filming Location Change

After discovering that using that outdoor location would create a problem when concerning the bands equipment, in particular the drum kit, we decided to change location. The weather was also causing concern on our planned filming day. Our location then changed to a factory, which was one of our original ideas anyway, the factory location was actually where one of the band members worked, so permission to use the space was easy to obtain.
Our filming day in general went very well, and i'm pretty sure that the band had a good time as well, even if they so not admit it. Kerrin and Emily took lead roles, as assigned, following the production plan and moving from each shot quickly and easily. Overall the filming process took less time than we had expected, showing the excellent level of comunication between our group. Although we not get hold of any interview with the band members, the behind the scenes footage is definitely justified. We, as a group were very excited once we had finished, "buzzing" could be a word to describe it.
We also plan to add a small narrative at a later date, which the band are not so keen on, but they are open to ideas.
Here are some photos from our filming day:

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