Thursday 21 April 2011

Font Choice

After viewing a few fonts, we have settled on the one shown below, this will be used on all of our promotional products. This font is not too formal, yet formal enough for the target market, it is also bold enough and quirky to stand out against other products.

Additional products

As part of the requirements, we also have to create an album cover, DVD cover and magazine advert. After doing some research behind these three items, I now have a better understanding of the task at hand, and what the target market are looking for.

Album Cover :
Here are just three examples of album covers, from these examples, it is obvious that the overall look must be quite simple, and image of the band is not always needed, but in my opinion works better when merchandising. merchandising is key with our project.

 Although Kris Allen is a solo artist, the same idea applies when looking at his album cover, the simple design, focusing completely on the artist. The lighting used adds an element to mystery, which creates interest for the buyer. The name of the artist is prominent.
 Linkin Park have also used the same design structure, although the band members faces are not showing. The name of the band is still the eyecatching point in the page. The black and white effect is used to show the genre of the band, which is obviously quite dark, compared to Kris Allen above.

The Killers have taken a completely different approach, showing random images, creating an element of wonder and possibly confusion for the buyer. This is a clever tool when merchandising. But in my opinion not always the best way. The name of the band is still prominent, and the name of the album has been shown in red, highlighting the most important information.
We plan to use an image of the band from our album cover, as we feel that it is the best way to achieve sucessful promotion of the band, as they are new and relitively unknown. Unlike The Killers, who can now get away with such random designs. An image such as this one below would be sucessful:

DVD Cover:

Editing the music video

Although Jamie was assigned the role of editor, we all had input throughout the whole process. This was done via visual check and personal opinion during lessons, and electrical communication when not in school. The final product has met all of our expectations, and the clients are very happy. There feedback was crucial, and email was the fastest means of communication. The music video has also been placed on YouTube and has been given positive feedback from the viewers, including classmates during lesson time.

Filming Location Change

After discovering that using that outdoor location would create a problem when concerning the bands equipment, in particular the drum kit, we decided to change location. The weather was also causing concern on our planned filming day. Our location then changed to a factory, which was one of our original ideas anyway, the factory location was actually where one of the band members worked, so permission to use the space was easy to obtain.
Our filming day in general went very well, and i'm pretty sure that the band had a good time as well, even if they so not admit it. Kerrin and Emily took lead roles, as assigned, following the production plan and moving from each shot quickly and easily. Overall the filming process took less time than we had expected, showing the excellent level of comunication between our group. Although we not get hold of any interview with the band members, the behind the scenes footage is definitely justified. We, as a group were very excited once we had finished, "buzzing" could be a word to describe it.
We also plan to add a small narrative at a later date, which the band are not so keen on, but they are open to ideas.
Here are some photos from our filming day:

Friday 14 January 2011

Filming preparation

After having general meetings with the rest of the group, we have yet to definitely decided on a location, although we have many options. These include, mainly, fields and public areas of land. Tort Hill in Sawtry is our most popular location so far. This is only the case recently, after having a lot of trouble trying to contact Connington airfield about using a disused runway. Tort Hill, shown below, consists of 3 to 4 fields, a wide open space, which will be perfect for filming. 
 This location may cause problems when filming as the turrane is not level, and the weather report for our filming date, which is the 15th January (tomorrow) is dry with possible showers, but frequent rain may be problematic.

Monday 10 January 2011

Logo ideas

As part of my role as designer, I have come up with some new logo designs for the band, after them agreeing to let us change their original logo.
(to be added later)

Live performance

On the 18th of December, myself, Emily and Jamie took up the bands offer of seeing them play live at a party. The host of the party agreed to let us attend for a few hours and film the band while performing. This resulted in a long drive through the snow to a small village near Cambridge, where we set up and prepared for filming. The band performed other songs, as well as the one they wish to use in their music video. We filmed for approximately 2 hours, getting a lot of good footage, but unfortunately since then we have had problem concerning transferring the footage off the camera. But, this was not a wasted trip, we had the opportunity to meet the rest of the band members, and take a lot of photos.