Monday 10 January 2011

Group meeting

We have had many group meetings over the past few weeks, these include meetings where Kerrin has given out questions answered by the band, as the producer, she has been the only person contacting the band representative, which changes between different members. These meetings have given us opportunity to show each other our progress, and decide on the next step. Although between meetings, we have also kept in contact via email, facebook and text. Communication has been very successful within our group.

Our main concern to begin with was that we hadn't actually met any members of our band, where as all the other groups within our class had met at least one member of their band. We knew that we had to meet someone from our band to understand what it is they actually want from a music video, and to get some general ideas that they might have.

On the Monday 13th, we finally had the chance to meet two members of our band, Steve and Mark came in during one of our Media Studies lessons, this gave us a chance to get to know them and talk about some of our ideas, as well as theirs. This gave us the opportunity to put a name to a face, to a point. We gave them a few filming dates and possible locations, regarding different ideas, they approved most of our ideas, and showed definite interest in the idea of filming in a wide open outdoor space. During this meeting we were also informed of a live performance that band would be doing on the 18th, we expected the invite, hopefully being able to use this as a good time to film the performance section of the music video, and get to meet the other members of the band.

Our meetings have since got longer, and much closer together, as we progress through our project.

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